4/4 ♥
talk talk talk talkin bout BLA BLAH BLAHHH
pete's little tingly tweets♥
teuk!yen moment? *bricked* xD
twtr just got a whole lot more fun.
long,just long. idk.
physical test for P.E today was a lot of fun xD (did i just said that? /headesks/)
when things started everyone looked like they were just about to DIE at the cross-legged push ups so i wasn't very keen on that either because their reactions seriously freaked me out. soon i was like man bad idea i feel like escaping but then in a split second i thought , 'why should i?' lol. i seriously thought i was failing my chances but hey i did it & the count stopped at 40. tbh if i kept at it i could've gone beyond 40. a few ppl were asking me to stop but i kept going lol idk. .__.
thats the only thing im good at anyway, the very few things i actually master/has benefit of. im no good with sports but if its about meditation, stretching or just anything yoga-related, without a doubt xD
~ sore throat is one of the thing i hate most. ugh. i'd rather suffer a night with upset tummy than a constipated painful throat that hurts even at a gulp of water. sucks.
i just hope i don't develop a fever :\
~ NOTHING ON YOU IS OFFICIALLY ONE OF MY ALL-TIME FAV SONG EVER. it juz reached the 100 count play. both B.O.B & jay's version. ♥
~ not to mention,rain's Love Song english version is sooo good.not quite fond of the korean version but the en. ver is OMFGSEXY. can i say HOT? ♥
~ i have a lot of things to say but this maybe isn't the right time. plus, i always have a lot to say, the only difference is they just remain unsaid. :\
~ last but not least, !EXAMS!
Labels: here comes torture. fuck exams.