this is the last time im standing for myself. im n...
i cant get it outta my mind
don't stop can't stop
back to the basic? ♪♫
4/4 ♥
talk talk talk talkin bout BLA BLAH BLAHHH
pete's little tingly tweets♥
teuk!yen moment? *bricked* xD
Don't always just read something & judge it like that without giving it a second thought/having a second look. but even if you had done so it doesnt mean you actually get it so yeah. look for the meaning in the words cause they dont always meant the same to everyone.
Different people read different things even if theyre reading the exact same thing. People suck it up in their own dictionary. & thats what i always do. guess thats why ppl just dont get me & im so complicated idek
// i hate watching fucking unfair lousy local competitions because when you found rare good ones among the sucky ones you just go fucking bonkers when they fall out thanks to the fucking bias. idk i hardly pay attention to the scene but thesepeopleokay GUYS were rly good & dont fuckin deserve to be voted off just because everyone who votes are just families/friends. gais & girls would rather go watch SGB & KPOP than wasting their money voting for nothing -__-;; so why even bother setting up a unworthy competition like that? UGH. DDD< & YES I SHOULDN'T EVEN HAVE WATCHED BECAUSE NOW I'M JUST SOBBING IN A CORNER ALONE OVER THE THREEHOTHOTPOTENTIALLY TALENTED GUYS.
p/s:i apologize for the excessive(?) use of the f word here. well even if its corny i cant help it. so stfu & thanx.