he saved my 17th ♥ (:
brian>the frigging universe
Taylor's University College CLIOD 2010 (Hospitalit...
A Short Journey ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ♥
T___T pn.siva ♥
unprofesionalism shit
idkbcuzshe'skindagettinonmynerves? /shrugs/
i'm not your babe i'm not your babe, fernandoooo~
say what?
i love how we're right behind this seats muahahaha
^stalkerish shots of Mike hahahah~XD hes so engrossed with tweeting lol.
^stalkerish shots of Mike hahahah~XD hes so engrossed with tweeting lol.
warming up with a calm selca before the show starts (wel actually thats a 'imma gettin impatient dulan peace out' expression if you can tell hahahah)
he came out! if youre wondering why on earth are the shots so freaking blur no big deal he's basically just sparkling/shining lah maybe that explains why youre blinded by him all you see is bright sparks overflowing all over him xD
now to make up for the failness of the blur shots have some real eyecandies.
no face plzzz. got face i melt T.T
a 'i just remembered' randomness: he did a motheeff osm BACKFLIP during "Kajimma2" & the crowd went wild. ♥
I KNEW IT. ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠx100000000000
k let me just explain this photo. I DID NOT DRIFT AWAY FROM HIM FML. (dude if this wasn't for a picture i'd hv -ahem you know- him- ahem xD- lol. BUT i was looking for the right spot. AND just as i was doing so, with my obviously awkward fail peace they SNAPPED it. greaatttt. NOW i look like i was drifting away fml. that is not the case aight. and how come the blur photographer never bother to tell ah. /weeps/ TTTT______TTTT
sobs. sigh. should hv stood in front. thats not even 3/4 of me sobs )))))))))))))))); peace out for me for giving up being blocked like that.
sneaked to his side at first but noticed i'd be totally hidden(which makes no difference moving to another side &^%$#@!~!@#) so while i was searching for the right spot hoping i'd be seen(damn it rly) i end up being hidden in the process.
i was like, "whr do i look whr do i look" at first then when i figured out whr to look i realised half of my face was blocked so just as i was trying my VERY best to pop out my non-existant head with that stupid height of mine they just had to snap it at that momentT__-T. mad sadddd alright )))))))))));
DAMN talk about being dumbㅠㅠㅠㅠ
bah well, he blew my mind &its still out there somewhere out in the space. i'm still having side effects. that is all♥
man, i sound like im bragging in the previous posts but thats just the way it is. its just the way i put my feelings into words. and i tend to hv short term memory so i try my best to beautify the words and spazz as much as i could . i dont wanna lose the beautiful memory so i put it into words. when i read back flash backs came back xD although its rly cheesy but it works that way for me hahah.
#random fact: ^He was making fun of one of the ladies beside him who was camera shy and was hiding behind others during the photo session. (via @anastasia)
p/s: EXAMSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS. FOCUSSSS TT_______TT argggggg. bye peeps.
Labels: brian's mini showcase live in malaysia 2010, fail shots